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Financial Information, Pupil Premium & Sports Funding

Financial Benchmarking link: 

Schools Financial Benchmarking

No school employee earns a gross annual salary of £100,000 or more.

No school employee undertakes official union duties.

Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium (PP) is extra money targeted at children who receive Free School Meals (FSM). This money can be spent on anything, but the benefits, progress and results of these children must be recorded. Every term the school scrutinises data to ensure that this vulnerable group are making good or better progress. All interventions are closely monitored and evaluated by the school SENDCo (special educational needs and disability coordinator) and the SLT to ensure value for money and to inform decisions about continuing specific programmes for this group of children.

Pupil Premium (PP) is extra money targeted at children who receive Free School Meals (FSM). This money can be spent on anything, but the benefits, progress and results of these children must be recorded. Every term the school scrutinises data to ensure that this vulnerable group are making good or better progress. All interventions are closely monitored and evaluated by the school SENDCo (special educational needs and disability coordinator) and the SLT to ensure value for money and to inform decisions about continuing specific programmes for this group of children.

Sports Funding

Due to new Government funding, all schools now receive extra money to be spent on PE training, equipment and activities. For information about how Christ Church plans to spend our allocation, and has spent past allocations, please click on the links below:

Covid-19 Catch-Up Premium.

At Christ Church the money was used to support additional 1-1 and small group teaching in a number of ways. This funding allowed the school to employ an additional intervention support teaching assistant and resources for children’s tuition.